Student Data Collection Notice

Wayne School District
Student Data Collection Notice

Below are brief descriptions of each of Wayne School District’s major data collections. The collection, use, and sharing of student data have both benefits and risks. Parents and students should learn about these benefits and risks and make choices regarding student data accordingly. We may not collect a student’s social security number or, except as required in Section 78A-6-112, criminal record. 

Necessary Student Data Collected for Every Student:

Student Demographics


Courses enrolled

Program Participation Indicators

Incident and Discipline Data

State Assessments 

Additional Student Data Collected on Students Participating in Specific Programs:

Early Childhood

Special Education

Youth in Care

English Language Learners

Concurrent Enrollment

Career and Technical Education (CTE) participation, concentration, and completer status

Carson Smith

How Student Data Are Stored and Protected

Wayne School District works hard at storing and protecting student data.  Student data is transmitted with the latest encryption methods and stored in a secure way.  

Our district provides student data privacy training to all full-time staff.  Staff members are trained annually on how to access information responsibly.  Our district has defined which staff can and cannot have access to student data.  Even when staff have access, they are limited to only the student data they need.

Students’ and Parents’ Rights Statement

Students own their personally identifiable student data. An educational entity shall allow the following individuals to access a student’s student data that is maintained by the education entity:

If a significant data breach occurs at an education entity, they shall notify the student, if the student has turned 18, or the student’s parent or legal guardian.