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Carson Smith Scholarship Program

All school districts and charter schools in Utah are required by Utah law 53A1a-704(10) to inform parents of students with IEPs enrolled in public schools of the availability of a scholarship to attend a private school through the “Carson Smith Scholarship Program”:

*No later than 30 days after the student initially qualifies for an IEP;

*Annually, no later than February 1st to all students who have an IEP;

* Include the address of the Internet website maintained by the USBE that provides prospective applicants and their parents with program information and application forms for the CSS Program – USBE Website;

*And post the CSS internet website on the school district’s or school’s website.

The Carson Smith Special Needs Scholarship provides tuition assistance for special education students enrolled in eligible private schools. Prospective applicants must have an identified disability and is in need of specialized instruction through Special Education. The student must be at least five years of age before September 1 in order to apply for the scholarship. The amount of the Special Needs Scholarship awarded to an eligible student depends on the level of special education services the student would receive if enrolled in a public school. The Special Needs Scholarship program is funded annually by appropriations through the Utah Legislature. Scholarships are not guaranteed and are subject to the availability of funds. More information can be found on the USBE website ( When here, type in “Carson Smith” (Carson Smith) Scholarship under the search option, and you will go directly to the scholarship site. The eligibility requirements and conditions and understandings of acceptance are clearly written out there.

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