State Superintendent visits Wayne School District
On Wednesday, March 18, 2019 Dr. Sydnee Dickson the State Superintendent of Public Instruction visited the schools in Wayne School District. She has made it one of her goals to visit each district in the state. Dr. Dickson visited Loa Elementary, Wayne High School and Wayne Middle School. While in the schools she visited classrooms, and spoke with students, teachers and principals. She expressed how impressed she was with the teachers’ high-quality instruction and how the students were positive and engaged in their classes. Dr. Dickson was enthralled with the good feeling in each school and was pleased with the students’ energy. We also had a chance to discuss issues that affect education in our rural community, primarily student safety. Dr. Dickson has the same concern as us on student and community mental health and will continue to support initiatives that increase the number of mental health professionals in rural areas. We also discussed the difficulty of funding education in rural Utah and what initiatives the state has to assist the rural districts.
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