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Administrative Policy—

It is the policy of the Administration to assign personnel to the positions that best meet the needs of the District.  Transfers shall be used to maintain a proper balance of experience and specialized competence among the schools of the District.

Voluntary Transfers—

By April 1 of each school year, the District will advertise known job vacancies, together with required endorsements and skill requirements of the particular position, for the upcoming school year to all current employees.  The District will also make reasonable efforts to advertise to all current employees any vacancy which occurs after the April 1 deadline.  Transfer requests will be made according to the following guidelines:

  1. A Request for Transfer Form signed by the Principal, and a letter or resume which gives evidence of appropriate endorsements and requested skill requirements should be submitted to Personnel no later than five (5) school days following the school postings. After a teacher has submitted one transfer form and resume, requests for transfer to additional openings can be accomplished by contacting Personnel no later than five (5) school days following the school postings. Information from the first transfer request will be forwarded to other schools upon the request of the teacher, providing the contact is received before the five (5) day deadline.
  2. Using a common set of criteria such as personnel files, requested qualifications, experience, etc., Principals will review all letters of request for transfer and select the candidates to be interviewed. Successful candidates will be notified in writing.
  3. When the position has been filled, all candidates making application will be notified through a district communication sent to the local schools. Whenever possible, this notification shall be made before the end of the current school year.
  4. Transfer requests to schools on traditional schedules will be honored until ten (10) working days prior to the new teacher orientation.

Involuntary Transfers—

A Principal or immediate supervisor may request the transfer of an employee when in his or her judgment it will benefit the employee, the school, or the District.  Involuntary transfer requests stating specific reasons for the transfer shall be made to the Superintendent.  A copy of the request shall be made available to the employee.  The Superintendent's designee shall review the request and recommend approval or denial to the administrator of Personnel or the Superintendent, who will approve or deny the involuntary transfer request.  The Superintendent or the administrator of Personnel may unilaterally review and approve or deny the involuntary transfer request.

In situations where an involuntary transfer becomes necessary due to a reduction in staff or for staff imbalance, a call for volunteers shall be made and if there are no volunteers, selection shall be made in the best interests of the district. In the case of an involuntary transfer due to a reduction in staff or for staff balance, the administrator shall adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Employees required to transfer involuntarily shall be notified of the available openings for which they are qualified.
  • Employees identified for involuntary transfer shall list their preference for available positions. Positions will be filled by the District with consideration given to the employees' priority listing.
  • Program need shall be based on the primary assignment description.
  • Whenever possible, an employee being transferred to a different assignment shall be notified of the transfer prior to the end of the school year.
  • The transferring employee shall be notified of the change in assignment in a conference with his or her supervisor or a designee.
  • When a teacher who has been involuntarily transferred cannot be placed in a position commensurate with appropriate endorsements and skill requirements, Reduction in Force guidelines (Policy DHB) will be implemented.

Restrictions on Transfer of Employees—

            An employee whose performance is unsatisfactory may not be transferred to another school unless the Board specifically approves the transfer of the employee.

If an employee who is under an order of probation or remediation in one assignment in a school district is transferred or given a new assignment in the District, the order shall stand until its provisions are satisfied.  An employee who is under an order of probation or remediation may not be transferred to another school unless the Superintendent or the administrator of Personnel specifically approves the transfer of the employee.

Utah Code § 53G-11-517 (2018)

Utah Code § 53G-11-503 (2018)

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  • Hits: 2304