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Working Hours/Overtime

Length of Day—

The board shall establish the length of the working day for all employees.  The length of the working day may vary for different categories of employees.  The length of the typical workday for certified teaching staff is considered to be one-half hour before the first school bell rings in the A.M., and work until 4:00 P.M.

Principal's Duty—

The building principal shall determine, with Board approval, the length of the workday for the employees under his or her immediate supervision, if the hours are not typical as noted above.

Part-time Certificated Personnel—

Certificated personnel working on a part-time basis will have their hours determined by the Principal or immediate supervisor in consultation with the Superintendent.

Itinerant Staff—

Itinerant certificated personnel assigned to the various schools shall work a number of hours comparable to other certificated personnel.

Overtime Requires Prior Approval—

Before overtime is recorded or overtime work is performed for the District, an employee shall obtain written or verbal approval from the employee’s supervisor or from another officer or administrator having authority to authorize the overtime.

Overtime Work—

“Overtime work” is defined as time worked in the “work week,” as defined by policy, exceeding 40 hours for a non-exempt employee in which non-exempt employee is compensated at a rate not less than 1 ½ times the employee’s hourly rate.

Work Week—

“Work week” is defined as the period of time beginning at midnight between Saturday night and Sunday morning and ending the next Saturday midnight.

Regular Time—

Regular time is the number of hours an employee is authorized to work during the “work week” through 40 hours.


All regular time work and authorized overtime work must be completed on site unless prior authorization is obtained.  Employees must receive written authorization prior to the start of any off-site work.

  • “On-site work” is defined as work performed within the normal course and scope of employment at the District’s regular places of business, e.g., schools, district office, bus warehouse, etc.
  • “Off-site work” is any work performed at a location different than the District’s regular places of business.

Time Keeping—

Each employee will comply with District time-keeping protocols by promptly recording daily regular time worked only by time clock or specific method prescribed by the District.

Failure to Comply—

Failure to comply with this policy and/or the District’s overtime procedures may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

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  • Hits: 2160