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Created: 5 September 2024
Modified: 13 March 2024
Approved: 11 Septmeber 2024

Personal Protective Equipment


The Board has determined that employees of the District must take accountability for assessing workplace hazards and wearing personal protective equipment (PPE).

Protective Equipment Assessment—

Each employee who works in any area of a District building or on District property that is around or uses electric or power operating equipment or chemicals of any nature shall:

  1. Assess the dangers and hazards present in the working environment;
  2. Submit a written assessment of the dangers and a plan as to safety precautions and to specify the PPE that will be worn whenever the chemicals are deployed or the power equipment is used.


As a part of orientation of employees who encounter hazards in the workplace, the head custodian of each school shall train employees in the following:

  1. When PPE is necessary;
  2. What PPE is necessary;
  3. How to properly put on, wear, take off and adjust the PPE;
  4. The limitations of the PPE;
  5. The proper care, maintenance, useful life, and disposal of the PPE.

Eye and Face Equipment—

Employees must wear eye or face protection when they would otherwise be exposed to eye or face hazards from flying particles, molten metal or welding sparks, liquid chemicals, acids or other caustic liquids, chemical gases or vapors, or potentially injurious light radiation. Employees must wear eye protection that provides side protection when there is a hazard from flying objects or splashing liquids. Detachable side pieces are acceptable.

Prescription Lenses Notification and Responsibility—

Employees who wear prescription lenses while engaged in operations that involve eye hazards must wear eye protection that incorporates the prescription in its design, or wear eye protection that can be worn over the prescription lenses without disturbing the proper position of the eye protection.

Head Protection—

Employees must wear head protection when working in areas where there is a potential for injury to the head from falling objects. In addition, head protection must be worn near exposed electrical conductors which could contact the head.

Foot Protection—

Employees must wear foot protection when working in areas where there is a danger of foot injuries due to falling or heavy rolling objects, or objects that may pierce the soles of shoes or where the employees' feet are exposed to electrical hazards.

Hand Protection—

Employees must use appropriate hand protection when employees' hands are exposed to hazards such as those from skin absorption of harmful substances, severe cuts or lacerations, abrasions, punctures, chemical burns, thermal burns and temperature extremes.

Employee Responsibilities—

Each employee has the duty upon entering the workplace to examine it carefully to determine if it is safe, to assess dangers, and to determine appropriate measures to be taken to maintain a safe working environment. After such an examination, it is the duty of each employee to make the place, tools and equipment safe. If the place and equipment cannot be made safe, then the employee must immediately report the unsafe place, tools, equipment or conditions to his or her immediate supervisor.

Compliance with Governing Rules—

An employee has a duty to:

  1. Comply with all safety rules of the District and all federal and state laws and rules which are applicable to the employment;
  2. Use safety devices, products, or tools to enhance general safety requirements that the District identifies to provide employees with a greater level of protection;
  3. Be familiar with and comply with proper health and safety practices;
  4. Use the required safety devices and proper personal protective equipment provided;
  5. Follow all safe work procedures outlined by the District; and
  6. Report all accidents to his or her immediate supervisor immediately.

Injuries at Workplace—

In the event that an employee is injured at District property within the scope of employment, and it is determined that the injury resulted from the employee's neglect of any of the requirements set forth in this policy, the employee will be subject to willful misconduct reduction of 15% pursuant to Utah Code § 34A-2-302(3)(a) whenever the injury is caused by the willful failure of the employee to:

  1. Use safety devices when provided by the District; or
  2. Obey an order or reasonable rule adopted by the District for the safety of the employee.

Use of Controlled Substances Leading to Injuries on the Job—

Disability compensation shall not be paid to any employee when a major contributing cause of the employee's injury is the employee’s:

  1. Knowing use of a controlled substance for which the employee did not obtain a valid prescription;
  2. Intentional abuse of a controlled substance in excess of amount prescribed or use in an otherwise abusive manner; or
  3. Intoxication with a blood alcohol level of .08 grams or greater as shown by a reliable test.

Disability compensation may be reduced when any of the above are a contributing cause of the injury but not the major contributing cause.

Utah Code § 34A-2-302 (2024)

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