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Summary of Final Report for the 17-18 School Land Trust Plan for Hanksville Elementary

Summary of Final Report for the 17-18 School Land Trust Plan for Hanksville Elementary


Goal #1 With STEAM education students will be exposed to skills and concepts that will be tested.   

SAGE Tests:   2017 to 2018

Students increased an average of about 25 points. ( We are to small to get a group score, so I used individual scores for 3-5 grades)

DIBELS Tests:  All students increased to at or above benchmark

Teacher Science Test:  Test given in Fall 2017 and Spring 2018.  Students averaged an increase of 26%

Classroom progress revealed all students  willing to participate and willing to try.  2 out of the 10 had 1 out of five times that they got frustrated and wanted to quit  the previous year which decreased to 1 out of 10 times wanting to give up.

  1. $5,282 Classroom sets of STEAM Activity sets and supplies to enhance STEAM activities. We had added distribution and money that didn't get spent last year . The money from last year still fit our goal and was spent this year.

Goal #2 We will measure progress through teacher tracking the time on task for targeted students. We will measure progress through teacher tracking planner participation as part of a citizenship grade for responsibility. Planner participation:  1 Student participated less than 50% of time. All others participated more than 80% of the time.

Tracking time on task for targeted students: Academic performance improved by 20% until last month of year, when student was absent 35% of the time.

Expenditures: $255Paid to a paraprofessional. $43 to Purchase student planners

Goal # 3  Hanksville Elementary will provide targeted instruction in typing skills. We will measure progress through keyboarding tests and activities.

Utah STATE Office of Education Keyboarding Standards for Students:

Grades K-2

-Students will be introduced to touch keyboarding techniques and correct fingering.

-Mouse-driven software is recommended for K-2 students.

Grades 3-5

-Students will learn touch keyboarding techniques, with emphasis on correct fingering.

-Students will achieve a minimum of 25 words per minute by the end of 5th grade.

Please show the before and after measurements and how academic performance was improved. words per minute

Teacher observation of correct use of finger placement.

K-2 grade improved from 2  to 5-20 wpm

3-5 grades improved from 3 to 15-50 wpm

  1. $740 used Paraprofessional
  2. 2. $940 Purchased paper, ink and other supplies.

In the Financial Proposal and Report, there is a carry-over of $753 to the 2018-2019 school year. This is 11% of the distribution received in 2017-2018 of $7,140. Please describe the reason for a carry-over of more than 10% of the distribution.

The use of salaries and benefits changed as the para was ill and missed classes.

The school plan describes how additional funds exceeding the estimated distribution would be spent. This is the description.

Additional distribution will be spent in additional supplies and or software if needed.

Description of how any additional funds exceeding the estimated distribution were actually spent.

All funds were spent as described, except $687 of the carry over from last year was spent on science/STEAM books for the classroom, as had been on the plan for last year, which continued in Goal 1 of this year's plan.

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