HES Dress Code
Hanksville Elementary Dress Code
Hanksville Elementary school asserts that the public school is a place of learning, and proper dress sets the tone of school atmosphere as well as its reputation. Dress and grooming also affect the behavior of students. The following dress code has been established and will be asked to call home or to make adjustments at school until dress code is met.
Hair should be neatly cared for and kept out of the eyes. Extreme or disruptive hairstyles as judged by the administrator are prohibited.
Student clothing, accessories and appearance shall be clean and modest, and shall not materially disrupt class work, cause disorder, or impinge on the rights of others.
- Shorts, skirts, and dresses must be no shorter than mid-thigh when the student is seated.
- Shoes must be worn at all times. Bare feet are prohibited.
- Shirts with obscene printing and alcoholic or tobacco advertisements on them are not permitted.
- Hats may not be worn inside the building during regular school hours.
- Exaggerated and disruptive cosmetics, body paint, and body piercing are prohibited.
- Tank tops, strapless or sleeveless shirts are not permitted.
- Clothing that exposes bare midriffs, buttocks, or undergarments is prohibited.
- Last updated on .
- Hits: 1264