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Wayne Middle School Student Council - Leadership in Action

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Student Council is a key component to the functioning of Wayne Middle School, bringing together student leaders and the hardest workers of the student body. The purpose of the student council at Wayne Middle School is to build leadership skills in students and to allow them to develop an investment and ownership in the school. We want them to investigate connections between their academic courses and the real world. The students that take part in the council become active leaders in shaping the culture of our school in a positive way, and to serve the community that we live in.

The criteria for joining the student council are stringent. Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA and have no failing grades. They must be good citizens and reflect that in their classes. Some duties students perform while on the student council include: participate in a weekly planning meeting, coordinate with office to prepare and deliver morning bulletin, highlight a student of the week and teacher each month, monitor our anti-bullying link on our website, and organize a school wide activity every month. To help in this effort, the student Council Advisor, Cliff Peterson, teaches the kids about leadership and planning so that they can be more effective now and better prepared for tomorrow.

The student council does an amazing job organizing monthly activities. In the past months they have conducted building wide activities that were focused in anti-bullying, building self-esteem and promoting positive life choices. Recently the student council planned and conducted a “Bouncing Off Negativity” event for the school that taught the students about resiliency and anti-bullying. The council also did a service project by playing board games with the residences of Beehive House. Next month the Student Council will tour the capital during a legislative session.

Thank you Wayne Middle School Student Council, you are making a difference.

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