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Return to School Detailed Plan

Wayne School District

This document is subject to change based on information provided by the Governor’s office, USBE and Central Utah Public Health Department. The Response Phases below reflect a framework regarding operational needs and guidelines for schools. Individual schools may need to customize learning opportunities within the framework based on circumstance. Consideration and discussions regarding Social-Emotional Support, Special Education, English Language Learners and Instruction will be included in advanced planning by administration and staff and disclosed in separate documentation. 

Wayne County School District may provide instruction through a traditional in-person model, a blended learning model or an online model. These models are defined as: traditional/in-person instruction involves students attending school and interacting with the teacher in a classroom; blended instruction involves a combination of in-person and online instruction; on-line instruction is without in-person options for instruction. 

This plan will be communicated throughout the school district.  It will be shared on district and school web pages and via social media.  All district personnel will be trained on this protocol prior to school beginning.  Students will be trained on this protocol during the first week of instruction.  The point of contact for each school is the building principal.

Wayne County School District is here to support learning regardless of community circumstances: 

Regular Schedule:  Regular Assigned Teacher(s)/Classroom/blended learning

Modified Schedule:  Regular Assigned Teacher(s)/Classroom/blended-virtual learning

Dismissal:  Regular Assigned Teacher(s)/At-home virtual learning with small groups in school as allowed

The framework consists of seven "situational characteristics," which describe elements of environments or situations and categorize them as more or less risky: movement, duration, proximity, respiratory output, group size, touch, and congestion. While it is impossible to totally eliminate risk, schools should be proactive in their use of mitigation tactics to address the 7 situational characteristics of COVID spread.




Movement: How do people move around in the space?



Duration: How long are people in this space?

>15 Minutes

<15 Minutes

Proximity: How close are people in this space?

< 6 Feet

> 6 Feet

Group Size: How many people are in the space?

> Recommended Limit

< Recommended Limit

Respiratory Output: How are people breathing in the space?



Touch: How do people engage with objects or fixtures in the space?



Congestion: Are there areas of high congestion?




School Schedule: COVID outbreak (confirmed cases) schools remain closed. Small group learning in school allowed with health department approval. School Schedule: COVID Outbreak (confirmed cases) Schools will respond to any outbreak of COVID-19 based on requirements and guidance provided by the Central Utah Public Health Department and State leaders. This may require individual classes or students to quarantine or a whole school to close. *The most recent information from the health department agencies says that if a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19 the health department will issue a letter to those who have been in direct contact and they will be excluded/quarantined for 14 days.  Schools will communicate health and safety issues transparently while protecting the privacy of students and families. School Schedule: COVID Outbreak (confirmed cases) Schools will respond to any outbreak of COVID-19 based on requirements and guidance provided by the Central Utah Public Health Department and State leaders. This may require individual classes or students to quarantine or a whole school to close. *The most recent information from the health department agencies says that if a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19 the health department will issue a letter to those who have been in direct contact and they will be excluded/quarantined for 14 days. Schools will communicate health and safety issues transparently while protecting the privacy of students and families.

K-12 Schedule Alignment: All learning takes place at home. Regular assigned teachers will provide at-home learning. Small group tutoring and teachers may occur for specific students. Teachers, administrators, counselors, and other support staff will be providing instruction during regular school hours. 

K-12 Schedule Alignment:                       

PLAN A:  Use the regular schedule at both secondary and elementary levels. Restrictions and staggering may be necessary based on State and local guidelines. Schools will be operating during their normal school hours with transportation provided. 

School choice will still be offered for parents that do not want to send their students back to school. Alternative learning options will be provided. 

PLAN B: All schools will operate on a split schedule (one day in class, one day at home, etc). Students will be divided by local areas in order to keep families on the same schedule. Regular assigned teachers will provide blended learning during regular school hours. Possible small group setting allowed at the school if quarantine or dismissal is imposed. Health guidelines and restrictions will be followed. 

School choice will still be offered for parents that do not want to send their students back to school. Alternative learning options will be provided. Teachers, administrators, counselors, and other support staff will be providing instruction during regular school hours with transportation provided. 

K-12 Schedule Alignment: Schools will return to their normal schedules K-12. Restrictions and staggering may be necessary based on State and local guidelines. Schools will be operating during their normal school hours with transportation provided. 

School choice will still be offered for parents that do not want to send their students back to school. Alternative learning options will be provided. 

Rotations/Transitions: Not applicable in the case of school closure. 


Rotations/Transitions: All schools will develop a way to stagger and transition safely between classes and areas of the school. 

Rotations/Transitions: Class rotations and transitions can return to normal expectations. Middle and high schools will develop a way to stagger and transition safely between classes. 


Seating:  Not applicable with school closure. If small group instruction is allowed seats will be assigned so that contact tracing can be done in the case of a COVID-19 outbreak

Seating: Teachers will assign seats to minimize interactions between students and groups and so that contact tracing can be done in the case of a COVID-19 outbreak. Teachers will maximize space between desks to the extent feasible and face desks forward. All excessive classroom furniture will be removed as reasonable. Rug time for PreK - 5 students will be eliminated. 


Seating: Teachers will assign seats to minimize interactions between students and groups and so that contact tracing can be done in the case of a COVID-19 outbreak. Teachers will maximize space between desks to the extent feasible and face desks forward. All excessive classroom furniture will be removed as reasonable.  Rug time for PreK - 5 students will be eliminated.


Attendance: Students are completing online learning. Attendance will not be taken in the same way. Teachers communicating with students through various digital tools to monitor online engagement daily. Documentation of student communication/interaction recorded at the end of each week. Small group learning in schools as allowed. Attendance will not be taken the same way. 

Attendance: Students and staff will be back at school on a regular schedule or a blended schedule. Extended health precautions will be implemented in each school. Attendance will not be taken the same way. 


Attendance: Attendance will be taken as before with all students back at school on regular schedules. Extra Social distancing measures in place as required. 

For students in a virtual environment, participation will be monitored and recorded as students participate through Canvas and other means.


Grading: Modified flexible grading scale will be in effect as students complete all online learning. Grading will be determined by staff and communicated to students and parents as applicable.

Grading: Modified flexible grading scale will be in effect as students complete all online learning. Grading will be determined by staff and communicated to students and parents as applicable.

Grading: Grade scales and assessment practices in alignment with proficiency- based best practices. Grading will be determined by staff and communicated to students and parents at the beginning of the school year.  

Meals: Food service workers required to wear face coverings. Grab and Go lunches will be available through the district at specific locations.

Lunch: Food service workers required to wear face coverings. Students hand hygiene routines before/after meals. Designated serving line flow path with marked spaced lines and supervision of students to ensure proper spacing followed. Staggered lunch times with limitations on group sizes. Students will sit in assigned, designated areas.

Lunch: Food service workers required to wear face coverings. Students hand hygiene routines before/after meals. Designated serving line flow path with marked spaced lines and supervision of students to ensure proper spacing followed. Staggered lunch times with limitations on group sizes. Students will sit in assigned, designated areas. Continue with healthy physical distancing strategies. 

Restrooms: Not applicable in the case of school closure.

Restrooms: Specific schedules will be in place for cleaning high-touch areas and to ensure that soap dispensers are never empty. Signage placed in each restroom to encourage proper hand hygiene. Schedules will be staggered when possible to reduce simultaneous use to reduce contact with others. Custodial staff will be trained in proper COVID cleaning protocols.

Restrooms: Specific schedules will be in place for cleaning high-touch areas and to ensure that soap dispensers are never empty. Signage placed in each restroom to encourage proper hand hygiene. Schedules will be staggered when possible to reduce simultaneous use to reduce contact with others. Custodial staff will be trained in proper COVID cleaning protocols.

Transportation: Not applicable in the case of school closure.

Transportation: Face coverings for students, staff and other passengers are required while traveling on the bus or in other district transportation. Exceptions may be made for students with unique circumstances. Household siblings should sit together as much as possible. Students will be assigned seats while traveling on the bus. Buses will be cleaned before each trip and more extensively as needed. All bus personnel will be trained on proper COVID cleaning protocols. 

Transportation: Face coverings for students, staff and other passengers are required while traveling on the bus or in other district transportation. Exceptions may be made for students with unique circumstances. Household siblings should sit together as much as possible. Students will be assigned seats while traveling on the bus. Buses will be cleaned before each trip and more extensively as needed. All bus personnel will be trained on proper COVID cleaning protocols. 

Technology: Students will use personal devices and/or devices provided by the school to complete at-home learning. 

Technology: Students will use school issued devices to the extent possible to complete a combination of at-home, blended and in-person instruction. 

Guidelines will be established for cleaning 
devices. School personnel will be responsible for the regular cleaning of devices and other technology equipment. 
Elementary students will be allowed to check out devices as needed.

Technology: Students will use school issued devices to the extent possible to complete a combination of at-home, blended and in-person instruction. 

Guidelines will be established for cleaning 
devices. School personnel will be responsible for the regular cleaning of devices and other technology equipment. 
Elementary students will be allowed to check out devices as needed.

IEP/504’s: Meetings will be held electronically while schools are closed in order to meet compliance demands and support student needs. 

Related services will be provide virtually within reason.

IEP/504’s: Meetings can be held electronically as needed or in groups as students and staff return to schools. Testing can resume in person. Special Education/related services/school counseling will provide auxiliary aides for one-on-one close contact to ensure students with disabilities have equal access to information. Reasonable accommodations may be offered for students who are unable to wear face coverings in settings where it is required for other students.  Health Department Guidelines will be followed.

IEP/504’s: Meetings can be held electronically as needed or in groups as students and staff return to schools. Testing can resume in person. Special Education/related services/school counseling will provide auxiliary aides for one-on-one close contact to ensure students with disabilities have equal access to information. Reasonable accommodations may be offered for students who are unable to wear face coverings in settings where it is required for other students.  Health Department Guidelines will be followed. 

Supervision: (Outside of Regular Class Time): Not applicable in the case of school closure.

Supervision: (Outside of Regular Class Time): Specific expectations will need to be in place at schools based on the requirements of state assigned risk category for gatherings, physical distancing, and face coverings. Health Department Guidelines will be followed.

Supervision: (Outside of Regular Class Time): Expectations will return to normal with increased mindfulness of students and staff safety during recess, lunches, passing time, etc.

Student Activities/Trips/ Meetings: Schools are closed to student activities and large group meetings.

Student Activities/Trips/ Meetings: Student Activities/Meetings: Some activities are available based on the requirements of state assigned risk category for gatherings, social distancing, and face coverings. Health Department guidelines will be followed. Overnight trips are evaluated on a case by case basis and approved by district admin or board.

Student Activities/Trips/ Meetings: Student Activities/Meetings: Activities are back in place based on Public Health Department guidelines. Overnight trips, assemblies or large gatherings will be discouraged.  However, such events could occur with appropriate mitigation tactics such as limiting the number of people in the building at the same time, etc.

Sporting Events: Refer to guidelines provided by Utah High School Activities Association (UHSAA).

Sporting Events: Refer to guidelines provided by Utah High School Activities Association (UHSAA).

Sporting Events: Refer to guidelines provided by Utah High School Activities Association (UHSAA).

Masks/Face Coverings: Faculty, staff, and students will be asked to comply with applicable state or county mandates regarding face coverings if an in-person school visit is necessary.

Masks/Face Coverings: Wayne County School District will comply with any applicable state or county mandates requiring face coverings in schools.  Per state requirements, faculty, staff and students will wear face coverings (e.g., masks and/or shields) indoors and when physical distancing is not feasible outdoors.  A mask will be provided for students/staff at school, however, students/staff are encouraged to bring a clean mask daily from home.  Schools will have a limited supply of disposable face masks available.

Masks/Face Coverings: Wayne County School District will comply with any applicable state or county mandates requiring face coverings in schools.  Per state requirements, faculty, staff and students will wear face coverings (e.g., masks and/or shields) indoors and when physical distancing is not feasible outdoors. A mask will be provided for students/staff at school, however, students/staff are encouraged to bring a clean mask daily from home.  Schools will have a limited supply of disposable face masks available.

Symptom Checking: Any student and or staff entering the building for small group or one-on-one instruction will be screened for symptoms, which could include a temperature check.  A roll and an ongoing log including building location and time in building will be kept for all students and staff entering for purposes of contact tracing.

Symptom Checking: Training of staff in protocols for assessment and mitigation of possible exposure will be done. A separate room for symptomatic students, away from others, will be provided until parents can pick them up.  Students will be screened for symptoms per screening protocol.

Symptom Checking: Training of staff in protocols for assessment and mitigation of possible exposure will be done. A separate room for symptomatic students, away from others, will be provided until parents can pick them up.

High Risk Students and Staff: Not applicable for students in the at-home environment. In accordance with the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) staff may qualify for paid leave. Requests must be submitted in writing and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

High Risk Students and Staff: Students identified as high risk (as outlined in Utah Leads Together Plan and by ADA) for severe illness due to COVID-19 will need to request accommodations in writing. Once approved, students will be supported in at-home, blended, or virtual learning. In accordance with the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) staff may qualify for paid leave. Requests must be submitted in writing and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.  Staff may be asked to provide written documentation from a medical professional describing the need for accommodations.  Staff will be asked to complete the employee self-identification form if they are at risk, found here:

High Risk Students and Staff: Students identified as high risk (as outlined in Utah Leads Together Plan and by ADA) for severe illness due to COVID-19 will need to request accommodations in writing. Once approved, students will be supported in at-home, blended, or virtual learning. In accordance with the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) staff may qualify for paid leave. Requests must be submitted in writing and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.  Staff may be asked to provide written documentation from a medical professional describing the need for accommodations.  Staff will be asked to complete the employee self-identification form if they are at risk, found here:

School Health and Safety: Not applicable in the case of school closure.

School Health and Safety: With students and staff back in buildings, local health guidelines and recommendations will be STRICLTY followed and there will be increased attention to school health and safety. Appropriate physical distancing will be expected when possible, and masks will be worn by students and staff when necessary. Sick/isolation room(s) will be available for those students who are sick waiting for parent pick-up. Thermometers will be available for temperature reading and masks for all offices. Hand sanitizer will be available in all classrooms and offices and regular schedule for washing hands will be established.  Nurses will establish a plan for monitoring health considerations at each school and will have student health plans in place.  In addition, a parent checklist will be created to help determine when a child should come to school and when he/she is expected to stay home.  Checklist will also include the expectations for what parents should do when the school contacts them about a sick child.

School Health and Safety: With students and staff back in buildings, local health guidelines and recommendations will be STRICLTY followed and there will be increased attention to school health and safety. Appropriate physical distancing will be expected when possible, and masks will be worn by students and staff when necessary. Sick/isolation room(s) will be available for those students who are sick waiting for parent pick-up. Thermometers will be available for temperature reading and masks for all offices. Hand sanitizer will be available in all classrooms and offices and regular schedule for washing hands will be established.  Nurses will establish a plan for monitoring health considerations at each school and will have student health plans in place.  In addition, a parent checklist will be created to help determine when a child should come to school and when he/she is expected to stay home.  Checklist will also include the expectations for what parents should do when the school contacts them about a sick child.

Enhanced Environment Hygiene and Safety: With students out of the building, the staff will maximize deep cleaning and sanitization.

Enhanced Environment Hygiene and Safety: When students are out of the building, staff will maximize deep cleaning and sanitization efforts. Anytime small group gatherings take place additional sanitization efforts will be implemented. Designated entrances and exits may be used for different student cohorts. Sectioned-off common spaces. Floor markings to direct foot-traffic flows. Signage to remind and help individuals stand at least 6 feet apart when in common areas. Established time windows for high-risk students and employees to utilize essential infrastructure. Implement hygiene standards as a part of regular instruction.

Enhanced Environment Hygiene and Safety: When students are out of the building, staff will maximize deep cleaning and sanitization efforts. Anytime small group gatherings take place additional sanitization efforts will be implemented. Designated entrances and exits may be used for different student cohorts. Sectioned-off common spaces. Floor markings to direct foot-traffic flows. Signage to remind and help individuals stand at least 6 feet apart when in common areas. 

Visitors/Volunteers: Not applicable in the case of school closure. Visitors allowed in the building for appointments will use a mask.

Visitors/Volunteers: Parents can visit schools to drop off items, check students in or out, and make appointments with administrators, counselors, and teachers.  Visitors will use a mask while in the building. Volunteers will need to follow staff protocols. 

K-12:  All visitors will be required to wear a mask. 
PreK-5 parents will not be allowed to drop off or pick up students inside the classroom.
Public Health Department Guidelines will be followed.

Visitors/Volunteers: Visitors and volunteer expectations resume. Mask will be required.  

PreK-5 parents will not be allowed to drop off or pick up students inside the classroom.
Public Health Department Guidelines will be followed.

Small Group Meetings (PTA/PTO/SCC/PTC): Meetings may be held electronically while schools are closed in order to support students. 


Small Group Meetings (PTA/PTO/SCC/PTC): Small groups can meet as necessary while following health guidelines. There may be possibilities for online meetings and conferences. New strategies for meeting with parents may be investigated. State and local health restrictions may be necessary. 

Small Group Meetings (PTA/PTO/SCC/PTC): Meetings and conferences may resume. State and local health restrictions may be necessary. 


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