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MTSS Tier 1 Interventions

o       Acknowledging positive behavior
o       Alternate Seating In Own Space
o       Alternative modes of completing assignments
o       Assign a buddy or partner
o       Assign a classroom job
o       Avoid power struggles
o       Break down assignment
o       Break down directions
o       Call on student frequently
o       Call parent or note home
o       Call parent or positive note home
o       Card flip
o       Clear, consistent, and predictable consequences
o       Color coded folders
o       Count to ten
o       Daily planner
o       Deep breathing
o       Do unfinished work during recess or unstructured time
o       Draw a picture or write in a journal
o       Encourage interaction with a more self confident student
o       Engage student
o       Explain assignment
o       Explain directions
o       Frequent eye contact
o       Frequent home contact
o       Give choices
o       Have student repeat directions back
o       Have student say something nice
o       Have student take frequent breaks, do errand, or active job
o       Headphones
o       Help student start assignment
o       Helping students with homework
o       Ignore
o       Individual work space
o       Listen to music
o       Logical consequences
o       Model appropriate language
o       More structured routine
o       Move to a new location in the classroom
o       Moving position in class
o       Natural consequences
o       Non verbal cues
o       Office referral
o       Organize materials daily
o       Pause before giving a direction
o       Praise student frequently
o       Praise when cooperative and well behaved
o       Praise when good attitude and involvement occur
o       Praise when on task
o       Provide a container for a student’s belongings
o       Proximity to a student
o       Reassurance
o       Redirection
o       Reduce assignment
o       Reflection sheet
o       Reflective listening
o       Remove from room
o       Review expectations and rules
o       Rewards and praise
o       Send student on errand
o       Simple reward system
o       Snack break
o       Speak in a calm and neutral tone
o       Speak with a student in the hallway
o       Stand while working
o       Start commands
o       Stop, walk, and talk strategy
o       Stress ball or fidget
o       Take a break 
o       Take away privileges
o       Take away unstructured or free time
o       Talk ticket
o       Talk to parent
o       Talking one-on-one with a student
o       Teach conflict resolution skills
o       Teach coping skills
o       Teach organizational skills
o       Teach relationship skills
o       Teach relaxation techniques
o       Teach social skills
o       Teach substitute words
o       Touch base with student
o       Touch student on shoulder
o       Turn desk around
o       Use calm neutral tone
o       Use seating disk
o       Use timer
o       Velcro on the desk
o       Visual schedules
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