Section E: Instruction
EAA— Instructional Goals, Objectives, and Evaluation: Adoption and Purpose
EBA—Term of Instruction: School Year
EBB—Term of Instruction: School Day
EBC—Term of Instruction: Summer School
ECA—Curriculum: Required Instruction
ECBA—Curriculum: Elective Instruction—Pass/Fail Courses
ECBB—Curriculum: Elective Instruction—Driver Education
ECC—Curriculum: Reading Achievement for K-3
ECCA - Curriculum Reading Assessment for K-3
ECCB - Curriculum Mathematics Assessment for K-3
ECD—Curriculum: American Sign Language
ECE—Curriculum: College Course Work
ECF—Curriculum: Religious Neutrality
ECG—Curriculum: American Heritage
ECH—Curriculum: Human Sexuality
EDA—Special Programs: Alternative Language Program
EDB—Special Programs: At-Risk Students/Dropout Reduction
EDC—Special Programs: Education of Youth in Custody
EDD—Special Programs: Gifted and Talented Students
EDE—Special Programs: Special Education
EDF—Special Programs: Health Care Occupation Programs
EDG—Special Programs: Financial and Economic Literacy Passport
EEA—Instructional Resources: Copyrighted Material
EEB—Instructional Resources: Internet Policy
EEC—Instructional Resources: Purchase of Primary Instructional Materials
EED—Instructional Resources: Teaching Supplies and Materials
EEE - Instructional Resources: Evaluation and Selection of Instructional Materials
EEEA - Instructional Resources: Evaluation and Selection of Library Materials
EFA—Grading: Progress Reports to Parents
EFB—Grading: Testing Procedures and Standards
EFBA - Grading: Testing Procedures and Standards - Kindergarten Assessment
EFC—Grading: Participation of Private and Home School Students in U-PASS Testing
EGA—Guidance: Student Education Plan/ Occupation Plan
EHA—Graduation: Graduation Requirements
EHB—Graduation: Citizenship Graduation Requirements—(Optional)
EHC—Graduation: Early Graduation Incentive
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